Revealing Humanity's Near-Extinction: A 900,000-Year-Old Mystery Unveiled


In a remarkable journey back in time, modern genomic data has unveiled an astounding revelation about the near-extinction of humanity's ancestors nearly 900,000 years ago. This gripping discovery not only sheds light on our evolutionary history but also provides a compelling narrative of resilience against overwhelming odds.

The research, led by geneticists Haipeng Li from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yi-Hsuan Pan from East China Normal University, has unraveled a tale of survival that almost slipped through the cracks of Earth's ancient history. This article will delve deep into the findings, exploring the reasons behind this population bottleneck, its impact on human evolution, and the mysterious gap in the fossil record.

Unearthing Ancient Mysteries

Imagine a time when humanity's existence teetered on the brink of annihilation, with a population decline so catastrophic that it reduced our ancestors from around 100,000 individuals to a mere 1,280 breeding individuals. This astonishing 98.7 percent drop in population numbers lasted for a staggering 117,000 years, a period that could have led to the extinction of the human species.

However, as we stand here today in our thriving numbers, it is evident that we survived this ordeal. The intriguing question is: How did our ancestors defy the odds and persevere through such a daunting bottleneck in their population?

The Bottleneck Enigma

The key to unraveling this ancient enigma lies in the concept of population bottlenecks – significant reductions in a group's numbers due to various catastrophic events, such as wars, famines, or climatic shifts. Remarkably, evidence of a population bottleneck in the Northern Hemisphere, occurring a mere 7,000 years ago, has already been discovered. Yet, peering further back into the annals of time presents unique challenges.

To tackle this puzzle, the research team devised an innovative approach called the fast infinitesimal time coalescent process (FitCoal). This groundbreaking method enabled them to analyze genomic data from 3,154 individuals spanning the globe and various populations. By examining the divergence of gene lineages over time, they uncovered a population bottleneck that occurred approximately 930,000 to 813,000 years ago, resulting in a staggering genetic diversity loss of up to 65.85 percent.

But what factors might have triggered this ancient bottleneck? The Mid-Pleistocene Transition, a period of dramatic shifts in Earth's glaciation cycles, emerges as a plausible culprit. The turmoil of changing climates could have created harsh conditions, leading to famine and conflicts among human populations struggling for survival.

Chromosome Fusion and Evolution

One of the most intriguing outcomes of this ancient bottleneck is its potential influence on human genetics. The bottleneck seems to have played a pivotal role in the fusion of two chromosomes, leading to the formation of chromosome 2. While humans possess 23 pairs of chromosomes, all other living hominids, including great apes, have 24. The emergence of chromosome 2 appears to be a speciation event that set humans on a unique evolutionary path.

These findings raise a multitude of questions, such as the locations where these resilient individuals lived, how they adapted to the catastrophic climate changes, and whether natural selection during the bottleneck accelerated the evolution of the human brain.


In conclusion, the revelation of a nearly extinct human population 900,000 years ago is a testament to our species' remarkable tenacity in the face of adversity. The gap in the fossil record during the Pleistocene now finds its explanation in this population bottleneck, a turning point in our evolutionary history.

As geneticists continue to dissect this newfound knowledge, we embark on a thrilling journey to paint a more complete picture of human evolution during the Early to Middle Pleistocene transition. With each discovery, we inch closer to unveiling the intricate tapestry of early human ancestry and evolution, a mystery that continues to captivate our imaginations and reshape our understanding of our place in the natural world.

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